U18BB Hawks Giving Back

Nov. 28, 2023

Glenn from One4another Internationals sent our U18 BB Hawks an update on Zewulensi!
He said:
"We've got good news on Zewulensi. She had her operation and she has come through well. Her foot is now in the correct position and she's back in a cast as it heals. Once the foot has healed she'll be fitted for a walking brace. Hope you can see how happy she is!
We also went to the market with her and her dad yesterday and bought them $310 worth of essentials.  It includes: maize flour, rice, beans, sugar, salt, mattress, blanket, pillow, mosquito net, backpack, tea, soap, cooking oil, and bread.  They thanked us repeatedly so please pass on about a dozen 'thank yous' to the team.
Thank you for what the team is doing for this girl!"
Amy from One4another Internationals sent our U18 BB Hawks an update on Zewulensi!
She said:
"I hope you are having a great start to your hockey season. I know you've given Zewulensi an amazing opportunity... it's definitely a WIN for her thus far!
I just wanted to let you all know that Zewulensi has received your gifts and is so happy to be a part of your team! She is almost done with her pre-op casting phase and surgery is scheduled for November 16. I will update you again once that has occurred to let you know how things went.
Thank you for working together to provide Zewulensi with this necessary medical treatment. We are so grateful for your team!"
Stay tuned for some progress reports during this season.



The Hamilton Hawks U18BB team is participating in One4another Internationals #1Draft Pic Program this 2023-24 season.

The U18BB team has been matched up with female Zewulensi. She has a lame foot due to contracting Malaria at the age of 5 and received an improper injection. Due to her lame foot, she has to walk on the side of her foot/ankle and cannot run or walk far distances. She is only 13 years old and missing out on so much.

The girls on the team are fundraising to pay for her corrective surgery so that she can live a healthy and more active life.

Zewulensi has been on the programs wait list for over 2 years in Uganda.

She has now started the process and will wear a cast to stretch tissues to get her leg ready for corrective surgery in November.

Just look at her beautiful, happy smile …


The U18BB team is extremely honoured to be apart of such an amazing and rewarding program.

To all the Hawks U18BB players, you are ALL superstars and should be proud of what you are doing for Zewulensi.

Stay tuned for some progress reports during this season.

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