In order to protect the privacy and safety of our players, please be advised that no single persons are permitted in the dressing rooms while the players are getting changed.
For younger skaters who may require assistance in getting dressed, we ask that you assist your daughters in getting their hockey gear on before coming to the rink or outside of the change room.
If your player requires assistance tying skates, this must be done in the hallways outside of the girls change room. For some of our younger players, this rule may seem a little extreme given the girl’s age and ability however, this is a requirement of the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA). As a member of the OWHA, the Hamilton Girls Hockey Association (HGHA) is mandated to follow this requirement.
Dressing Room Moms:
While players are getting dressed, the HGHA requires dressing room moms to be in attendance and follow the rule of two and also have a police check as well leadership in sport .The change room door be closed to protect the privacy of the players.
Coaches in Dressing Rooms:
During the regular season (and playoffs), male coaches are allowed in the dressing room must follow the rule of two once the girls are dressed, subject to some additional requirements. We must practice a 2 deep approach, making sure there are always 2 coaches in the dressing room. While coaches are in the room (before and after games), there must be a female present at all times. During this time, the girls are to be fully dressed.
Cellphone Policy:
The use of cell phones or other image taking devices are prohibited from the dressing room. All electronic devices are forbidden in the dressing rooms at all times. One device will be allowed at the discretion of the team manager/coach to play music. Silly, disruptive play and or aggressive acts will not be tolerated. Violators will be removed from the dressing room and will be disciplined at the discretion of the coach under the direction of the Executive.
- HGHA Executives